Saturday, February 1, 2014

Kallie's First Time in The Ocean

Hopefully this video works.  Kallie's first time in the ocean and the little danish girl that we met. She comes to play with Kallie pretty much every time we go in the ocean!

The weather has been great here on Koh Chang.  We are really enjoying our time here again. This year is not as hot as most according to the locals but it is plenty hot for us!  Today is election day so some of the locals have gone back to their home villages to vote which means some of the resturants are closed because their cooks are gone. But there are still plenty open.  Joel flyings into Bangkok tonight and then out here tomorrow.  We are looking forward to him coming.  Here are some pictures of the past few days.

Ducky in her ducky.


Thai people love Kallie and she loves them too.

Brett and his mango-Stein. It is a funny fruit, it does taste good except it looks like brains.  

This is a picture leanne sent. She took it at the Calgary airport as she dropped us off.