Wednesday, January 29, 2014

We've made it!  Sorry that it's taken so long for us to get a blog post up. The internet hasn't been great and we haven't had much sitting around (inside) time.  Here are a few pictures of our trip so far.

 The Plane ride over.  Kallie was an absolute champ, I don't think she cried even once.

They gave us this little bassinet that sits on a table that folds down from the wall in front of our seats. It was SO nice. She slept so well!  And so did we!

Some of the protestors in Bangkok.  They were in the area where we were staying by the mall.  We tried to get to one part of the mall but it was impossible, the crowd was too thick so after over an hour of trying we finally gave up and went to a different mall. 

Taking the train to the airport to catch a flight to the island.  Kallie loves her stroller.  She likes to look at all the people and they like to look at her too! The Thai people are so friendly, especially with her!

In her island duds.

Had a quick cat-nap before heading to the beach.

First time in the ocean! It was a great success.

Our bungalow

Her favorite set of beach duds.

She loves her ducky that her daddy bought her. She loves swinging her legs around and bobbing with the waves.

Me and my girl.

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