Thursday, February 28, 2013

Videos from around the Island

As you may have noticed we've sort of slacked off in picture taking but we've pretty much taken pictures of most things on the Island.  Here are a few videos from around the Island - nothing special and its very hard to be steady but we tried. 
We've spent the last few days just hanging out - going to the beach and buying a few things. I insisted we buy a new mosquito net for our bungalow because ours had a hole in it and I couldn't sleep. So we did a little upgrade for them :) We have some friends in our bungalow - lizard things - they freak me out. They live in between the walls.  And the termites - that was what was crawling on me in my sleep the first night and another one yesterday. Yuck. Anyway, the new mosquito net makes everything OK.  Tomorrow Brett is going with a couple of the guys here on a fishing trip in a little boat and then we will have a BBQ back here.  Hope all is well back home.

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