Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Krabi - Bangkok - Koh Chang

Well I suppose this will be our last blog post before we come home, not even 2 days away. We spent a day on Krabi, drove around a bit and then took a 14 hour bus ride up to Bangkok where we met up with some friends and went to Special Meetings. The next day Leanne was off to Laos and we along with Jeremy and Chase were off to Koh Chang.  It's nice to be back here again, even though its only for a little over a day!  We went diving today, my first time since my open water course... getting over my fear of fish.. they were everywhere! It was really awesome, we all loved it :)  Too bad we couldn't get our hands on an underwater camera. Here are a few pictures from the past week or so.

A really cool huge cave we saw as we were driving around Krabi area.

This guy has just collected the rubber from the rubber trees and is transporting this smelly white sap to where he will refine it in to rubber.

Seems to be missing his headlight...

The rubber trees with the little black cups to collect the sap.

A Thai man admiring and discussing Brett's 'Awesome mustache' shirt.

We bought a lantern to send up in to the sky. The Thai's believe that by sending these lanterns up it bring good luck in life and relationships.

We took a drive up this mountain in Krabi to this spot with an amazing view

Met up with Andrew and Kasie Dick in Bangkok and went bowling one night

Chase's signature spin move - we're not really sure how he managed to hit any pins but he did.

Some random cows wandered in to the beach bungalow area

The Dive Boat

On the dive boat driving out to the dive site

In the water - about the face the fishes

All set!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Krabi - koh lanta

We've been having fun down in the south here.. Hard to believe we only have 1 week left :( Since krabi we've travelled over to koh lanta where we found a really nice place to stay so we've been hanging out there for quite a few days. Tanner, Jeremy and chase came over to the island so its been fun having them here as well as Leanne is with us as well. Here are some pictures from the past week or so.

Back at Railey Beach

On the ferry ride to Koh Lanta - neat houses.

A long-tail boat cruising along

Fisherman's boat  - lights for fishing at night to attract the fish

Afro tree man.

Not a very good picture but this is what they do when the run out a gas - put a foot on the other bike and get a tow!

Amazing sunsets on the island.

Little punk mullet kid at the hotel - so cute.

Spear fisher

Cutest kid ever - blowing a kiss (below)

Playing a game of hack in the evening

And beach ball

Look out everybody

Leanne gets introduced to the banana pancake and instantly becomes addicted like the rest of us

Our 'not so roughing it' hotel on Koh Lanta

Breakfast at the hotel

Now everyone REALLY look out

Fuel stop - I'm not entirely sure how healthy blowing into the fuel barrel would be ??

The start of the short bike trip down to the bottom of the island to buy hammocks and see the Old Town

A nice view from our restaurant at lunch

A final game of hack with another spectacular sunset - our last night on Koh Lanta

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chiang Mai - Phuket - Krabi

Sorry everyone for the delay in posts, we got really slack in our picture taking and the interent isn't as freely available down south here.  Anyways we flew from Chiang Mai down to Phuket on the 16th and met up with Leanne a couple of days later.  Since then we've been touring Phuket and have recently came over to Krabi where we did a few days trips to other islands (Chicken Island and Railey beach) and tomorrow we head of for Koh Lanta where we will spend a few days.  It's been fun having Leanne here, she's getting used to the asian ways; its funny some of the things we get used to and don't even notice anymore until someone new comes along and points them out again.  Its been really hot here.  We hear its been cold back home, hopefully that changes in a couple of weeks! 

Toe and Jib and their kids, the people who own the guesthouse that we stayed in. Some of Brett's friends from the time he was in Chiang mai before, such a nice family.

This was a bare piece of land 10 months ago when Brett was here last.

Leanne arrives!

A typical Thai kitchen

The long-tail boats that are used to get to other islands

So many awesome rock formations

Rock climbers off of one of the islands

Chicken Island.... beacuse it looks like a chicken...

In the long-tail boat going over to Chicken Island to go snorkeling.

Our dream home :)

The resturant boat

beautiful clear water

Railey Beach