Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chiang Mai - Pai

For the past few days we have been in Chiang Mai touring around. There is a moat built around the old city and there was an old wall built around it too which there are still parts left of. I'm not really sure why but it makes for an interesting little city.  We've had fun going out to the 'furniture highway' and looking at all the carvings and different furniture made out of mostly teak and 'monkey wood'.  Yesterday evening Jeremy and Tanner flew in (they didn't want to take the 12 hour VIP bus... I'm not really sure why..). It's been fun having them here.  Today we rented some bikes and headed for Pai.  We weren't really sure how far it was going to be, we'd been told 1.5 hours, 2 hours, 4 hours. So we weren't really sure.  It was a fun road to drive along with the bikes and beautiful views.  We arrived here in time for supper and a look around the town.  So far it is really nice.  There are a lot of rice fields and it is a farming community so the scenery is very nice.  Here are a few pictures from the past few days.

A piece of the furniture art made from Monkey wood, also known as, acacia wood.

Some cool old trunks in an old fishing boat

A one piece sculpture made from the tree starting at the bottom as you can see

It took 2 men 4 years to do this 10ft by 6ft carving, all out of one piece of wood, worth 3.5 million baht which is about 115,000 Canadian dollars. 

Part of the remaining wall that surrounded the old city of Chiang Mai

We met up with Toe and his family, some of Brett's friends the last time he was up in Chiang Mai

Jeremy and Tanner arrive...

A stop along the way on the bike trip up to Pai

A view along the windy road up the mountain on the way to Pia

Tanner, Jeremy and Jesse

Some rice fields along the way outside of Pai

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