Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Koh Chang - Bangkok - Chiang Mai

January 8th - 10th

Believe it or not we have finally moved off of Koh Chang.  We went to Bangkok for about a day, booked a bus ticket out of there as soon as we could and now we are up in Chiang Mai which is in the nothern part of Thailand. It is really nice up here. The weather has been good, not as cold as I was expecting!  Anyways, here are a few pictures between Koh Chang and Chiang Mai.

The sunset our last night on Koh Chang

Glad to see maintenance is finished on the old ferry and its up and running!

We took the taxi ferry along the river in Bangkok Sunday afternoon to get back to our hotel

Our VIP bus that we took overnight up to Chiang Mai, we were all very impressed with the luxuries

Brett and Jesse made a few new friends, they spoke little English, the boys spoke little Thai... made for an interesting conversation! 

The high quality gym at our current hotel, somebody is missing their rotors.

The bike they wish they had.

The bikes they had - at least they have their game faces on

We drove up this mountain and found this lookout overlooking Chiang Mai

Some interesting trees in this area..

A VIP bus the same as the one we had taken to Chiang Mai

Mango with sticky rice - they boys' favorite treat

One of the many cool carved tables near Chiang Mai

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