Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pai - Chiang Mai

We had an awesome time up in Pai, it is very beautiful up there and the air is so fresh.  We drove a few kilometers out of Pai to the 'Pai Canyon'. The locals called it the 'little canyon' so we weren't expecting much but when we got there we were amazed, it was so beautiful and big!  There were all these little narrow ledges to walk along so we explored the canyon, it exceeded our expectations.  After that we headed back down the windy roads and through the mountains back to Chiang Mai.  Jesse, Jeremy and Tanner left the same night. We met up with Chase again. Tonight we will fly down to Phuket to meet up with Leanne tomorrow night.

The Canyon

We're clearly not in Canada - no handrails

Jesse peering over the ledge, me telling him to 'get back right now'

So beautiful - perhaps one of our favorite places in Thailand

All of us: Jesse, Jeremy, Brett, Heather, Tanner

Trying to speed along out of the bottom of the canyon before the bull ants bite


Jeremy adapting to the Asian ways - socks and sandals

There were a few wipe outs along the way but don't worry moms we were prepared with.....

Thai Zam-buk... it heals everything. 
(Wanda we finally found some!! We'll bring you some back)

The windy roads through the mountains - beautiful views

Back in Chiang Mai - met up with Chase again.

These are for you Joel - From Brett 


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