Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Febuary 19th 2013 - Finally here!

We made it! Back again to our favorite holiday spot - Koh Chang. Flights went well and everything. We arrived on the island at around 5pm and we managed to do all our favorite things in the first evening - on our favorite island, at our favorite bungalow (oasis), went for Thai food, went for a cruise on the motorbike and finished the day off with a nice massage. I guess not all our favorite things because we haven't gone to the beach yet.  Jet leg hasn't hit us too hard yet, execpt that we were wide awake at about 5am.  The weather is nice out - not sure what the temperature is but its perfect.  Anyway, here are a few pictures we took on the way here - haven't taken many yet but hopefully we will

The ferry ride over to Koh Chang after our 4 hour taxi ride from the Bangkok airport.

Police checkstop - all the tourists lining up to pay their no helmet tickets!

Breakfast this morning - this is the resturant and lobby part of the bungalows

I forget who we were telling about the knock off 7/11's - well heres an example 

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