Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We had an awesome 2nd day in Thailand - the weather was overcast at times which we were thankful for because when it wasn't it was almost too hot. We went to the beach today and went for a drive on the motorbike - saw some interesting things and some funny people along the way. 

Unfortunate breakdown on a narrow windy road for this fella...

There's no such thing as towing your truck to a mechanic in Thailand... the mechanic comes to you.

No big deal.

These two guys are hauling the fuel tank to put in the back of a car.

There's no such thing as caution or warning signs - they just post the emergency contact number in high accident areas!

Wall building step 1: Fill your 5 gallon pails with sand and gravol

Step 2: Haul them to the plastic tub to be mixed with concrete powder and water using a hoe to mix.

Step 3: Pass the buckets of concrete up to your buddy on the sketchy plank to pour in the wall.

As you can see these boys have been at this for a while

We're proud to say this charming young man was part of the crew

Nothing like being able to take the money and run

The path up to our bungalows which are the last on the top of the hill

On our ride down theres 3 or 4 little puppies hanging out on the road

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