Sunday, February 24, 2013

Kayaking in the mangroves - Koh Chang

Yesterday was a bit overcast but we still managed to get sunburned.  We decided to take a trip to the other side of the Island to the fishing villages where there are mangroves that we could kayak through.  Ended up being a neat trip.  Today we just took it easy so we don't have any pictures - sorry. I noticed I had some really weird bites on my arms so I decided to use good old google - turns out they are jellyfish bites.  I have 3 of them and judging by the pictures it could be A LOT worse - mine our pretty minor but they really hurt when they sting!  And they're itchy as ever!  Anyway, I think I'll survive.       

A cool old plane along the way

The fishing village and start of the kayak trip through the mangroves.

More of the mangroves. These groves are trees that grow in the water and there are many river ways leading to the ocean.  This is one of the few areas where these trees are able to survive.

Another semi-floating fishing village inside the bay at the edge of the ocean

A close up of the root system of the trees in the mangroves

The typical fishing boat here

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